Hi there.
I'd like to call dtexec with something like this:
dtexec /f myPackage.dtsx /Set \package.variables[User::connStr].Value;Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated Security=SSPI;
I get an error along the lines of
Option "Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated" is not valid".
How do I pass in a property containing spaces? I've tried all of the usual quote-encasing patterns I can think of.
JonB_QRM wrote:
Hi there.
I'd like to call dtexec with something like this:
dtexec /f myPackage.dtsx /Set \package.variables[User::connStr].Value;Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated Security=SSPI;
I get an error along the lines of
Option "Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated" is not valid".
How do I pass in a property containing spaces? I've tried all of the usual quote-encasing patterns I can think of.
Double quotes.
dtexec /f myPackage.dtsx /Set \package.variables[User::connStr].Value;"Source=localhost;Provider=blah;Integrated Security=SSPI;"|||
Thanks for getting back so quickly. Your suggestion worked for a date string passed in as a property, but not a connection string.
When I run
dtexec /f package.dtsx /Set \package.variables[User::effectiveDate].Value;"2007-04-30 09:00" /Set \package.variables[User::connStr].Value;"Data Source=localhost\2005;Initial Catalog=QRMDB1_MRKT_SVC;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
I get the following complaint:
Argument ""\package.variables[User::connStr].Value;Data Source=localhost\2005;Initial Catalog=QRMDB1_MRKT_SVC;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"" for option "set" is not valid
It doesn't complain about the quotes around the date value.
|||As an aside, if I write these props to a file and specify it using the /Com <filename> switch, dtexec takes them.|||you may need a backslash to escape the double quotes.
Try this:
/Set \package.variables[User::connStr].Value;\"Data Source=localhost\2005;Initial Catalog=QRMDB1_MRKT_SVC;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;\"
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