Sunday, February 19, 2012

dtctest fails and nobody here has any clue why

My machine is unable to establish a connection for the purposes of
making distributed transactions. The problem appears to be that my
machine is blocking the machine to which I am trying to connect from
establishing RPC Binding with my machine. Here's a message from my
Event Viewer:
MS DTC is unable to communicate with MS DTC on a remote system. MS
DTC on the primary system established an RPC binding with MS DTC on
the secondary system. However, the secondary system did not create
the reverse RPC binding to the primary MS DTC system before the
timeout period expired. Please ensure that there is network
connectivity between the two systems. Error
Specifics:d:\nt_qxp\com\com1x\dtc\dtc\cm\src\cso.c pp:1977, CmdLine:
C:\WINNT\System32\msdtc.exe, Pid: 1300
No Callstack (0)
What's curious is that my PC is the ONLY one in our network that has
this problem.
I've run dtctester againat various machines using various DSNs and
ALWAYS get the following:
SQLSTATE=25S12,Native error=-2147168242,msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL
Server Driver]Distributed transaction error'
SQLSTATE=24000,Native error=0,msg=[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver]Invalid cursor state
Typical Errors in DTC Output When
a. Firewall Has Ports Closed
b. Bad WINS/DNS entries
c. Misconfigured network
d. Misconfigured SQL Server machine that has multiple netcards.
To my knowledge, my PC is the only one here (out of hundreds) that
flunks the dtctester.
From all appearances, my PC appears to be configured identically to
those of many other people here who are not experiencing any problems.
Specifically, I've checked all MSDTC registry settings of which I've
read, I've been into Component Services and checked the properties of
anything msdtc related, and I've ensured that the services I need are
actually running. I'm running XP, but I have the firewall turned off,
and have never installed any third party firewall. My network
connectivity is ok. I can see the target machine, and can even access
the database to which I am trying to connect and do whatever I want,
so long as I don't use distributed transactions. The version of msdtc
that I am using is identical to those of everyone else around here.
The latest advice I'm getting is to reinstall XP and hope for the
best. Seems pretty drastic to me, especially seeing how it's no
guarantee! Does anyone out there have any idea what could be causing
this? General consensus is that it is some stupid check box somewhere,
but we've pretty much run out of ideas where to look.
I have read dozens of emails and solutions to this and similar issues
and tried them all, and nothing seems to work.
Dave, I am having the same problem here. Have you found a resolution to this. Just curious.

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