THe unique Id column is set to identity seed. Yet when transfering 1500 records it fails to stuff them all becuase it says there is a NULL in unique id column.
"Cannot insert the value NULL into column UID column does not allow"
Yet in the transformation screen I am setting the UID column to <ignore> meaning I do not have that value in my source and I am wanting the destination table to do it's thing and incrememnt by 1 the identity seed.
Is this common?
THe source and destination tables are in the same databes.
When you click on "Transform" uncheck where it says "Enable Identity Insert"
|||Thank you very much.
It worked.
I am not sure I "logically" understand that though.
|||When you have enable Identity Insert checked in your DTS wizard what it does is says "I want you to insert the identity field that is coming from the table I'm copying from". This is useful when you have a truncated table and you want to keep your identity field values for data integrity.
Now comes the however.
When you set to Ignore the Identity column in your transformation you were essentially telling it to insert null values, and Identity columns can't be null. Had you not selected that then you would have most likely received the error that says you can't insert duplicates into your identiy column as it violates the unique constraint.
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