Thursday, March 29, 2012

DTS from excel file (excel filename is different everyday)

Good Day to all,
Hope you could help me w/ my project.
Im creating a DTS Package. The source data will be coming from an excel file going to my SQL table. The DTS package is scheduled to execute daily, but the source data will be coming from different excel filename.
Example, today the DTS will get data from Data092506.xls. Then tomorrow, the data will be coming from Data092606.xls.
How can I do this? The DTS I've already done has a fixed source data file.
Please help.
Thank you so much.
God Bless.You will need to create a variable in your DTS package for the file name, and then construct the filename dynamically.|||Hi blindman,
I can't seem to figure out how will I do that.
Could you be more specific, pls.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my queries.
God Bless.|||Look here:|||use the following DTS steps for this

1) create a Global variable of name say "aa" of string type
2) add a ActiveX Task where u assign the value of global variable from system date. something like
DTSGlobalVariables("aa").Value = "d:\Data" & "0" & month(date()) & day(date()) & year(date()) & ".xls"
3) add a Dynamic Property task. select the Excel connection and assign the "data Source" to that global variable.
4) place a work flow so that the execution sequence is ActiveX>>Dynamic Prop>>Other Steps that u already have.|||Hi,
I can't seem to get it yet. I am presented w/ so many information from all the websites and help files that I am reading, and I end up more confused. :eek:
I'm a newbie in SQL and I need instructions for dummies. :D

Here's what I did:
1.) I created a global variable named gVarPath through the DTS Package Properties.
2.) I'm adding now a "ActiveX Script" Task in the DTS Designer. Here's my script:
'************************************************* *********************
' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
'************************************************* ***********************

Function Main()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value="D:\PROJECTS\Attendance-Excel\" & RIGHT('0'+ RTRIM(CAST(MONTH(GETDATE()-2) AS CHAR)),2) & RIGHT('0'+ RTRIM(CAST(DAY(GETDATE()-2) AS CHAR)),2) & RIGHT(YEAR(GETDATE()-2),2) & "_ALB.xls"
End Function

There's a syntax error. I will debug this later.

3.) I'm adding a "Dynamic Properties" task.
Question: Where can I select the excel connection? And how can I assign the data source to my global variable?
4.) And how can I place a workflow.

Please help :o|||Hi upalsen,

I got it already!
I followed your instructions. Many thanks to you. :)

Now, I have another question.:D
I need to import data from 24 excel files everyday. Excel filenames are like these:

up to

wherein 100206 is a date which I already knew how to alter for everyday DTS package execution. The last 3 characters are the branch code, in which we have 24 branches (ex. 100206_AAA, 100206_BBB,...100206_XXX).
How can I make a loop, so I can run the DTS package 24 times. Each run will get data from each excel files.

Here's how my ActiveX Script looks like:

'************************************************* *********************
' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
'************************************************* *********************

Option Explicit

Function Main()
Dim vDay, vMonth, vYear, vDate

vDay=RIGHT(RTRIM("0" & DAY(DATE()-2)),2)
vMonth=RIGHT(RTRIM("0" & MONTH(DATE()-2)),2)
vDate=vMonth & vDay & vYear

DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value=vDate & "_AAA.xls"

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

Thank you so much... :)
God Bless.|||i am not sure if those branch codes r really fixed and hardcoded as AAA, BBB etc? or they will come from another table? assuming they are hard coded, u can ...
create another global variable, say vCounter. start with vCounter=1. add another ActiveX step. put it at the end of the existing workflow. add the following code

Function Main()
if vCounter <= 24 then
vCounter = vCounter+1
DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps ("<NAME_OF_STEP1>").ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting
end if

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

in your starting ActiveX script consider vCounter and write code to get branch code for each value

if vCounter = 1 then
BrCode = "AAA"
elseif vCounter .....

DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value=vDate & "_" & BrCode & ".xls"|||Hi upalsen,

Yup. The branch codes are fixed and will be hardcoded.
Following your instructions, I created another global variable named "gVarCounter". How can I referenced "gVarCounter" in my Dynamic Properties Task? In my first global variable "gVarPath", I referenced it by assigning the data source of the excel connection to it.

And another question, how will I know the ("<NAME OF STEP1>")?
Here's my ActiveX script:
IF gVarCounter<=24 then

I saw it in the Dynamic Property Task under Steps. Am I correct?

Thank you so much. :)|||u need not reference gVarCounter in your dynamic property task. all that u need to do is use gVarCounter in preparing the value of your previous gVarPath variable. like below. and dynamic prop will still use only gVarPath.

if gVarCounter = 1 then
BrCode = "AAA"
elseif gVarCounter=2 then
BrCode = "BBB"

DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value=vDate & "_" & BrCode & ".xls"

yes, u r right. step names r listed in dynamic prop under "steps" heading.

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