Sunday, March 25, 2012

DTS Error involving Access


I have a DTS package that migrates data from Excel to Access to SQL Server. Before that occurs, at the very beginning, I have a delete script that deletes the existing data in the Access database. When I hit that first step, it gives me the error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (-2147467259) - The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<path to access .mdb>'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I checked the permissions and the account that the web site is running under (impersonated) has full permissions to the file. Also, I am running the web site on my machine, I'm triggering the DTS package through .NET code, the access database is on a file/print server, and the SQL Server is a separate machine.

I'm thinking that maybe the issue is that the access database is on a separate machine, but I'm not quite sure.

BrianHow exactly are you running the DTS package? Are you triggering a SQL Agent job, or some other way? The security context is different depending on how you are executing the package.

You might find this link to be helpful:INF: How to Run a DTS Package as a Scheduled Job.

Terri|||Through VB.NET code, using the DTS library. Also note that, when I kick it off manually, it works fine. I also can open up the access database with no problems.


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