Sunday, March 25, 2012

DTS Error when using text file as destination in DataPump Task

I want to export to a Text File (destination) from a SQL query using a DTS DataPump Task. My query has 28 columns, some how when I try to define the destination columns for my text file the Microsoft Managment Console Crashes completely.

I tough may be my query has two many columns only to find out that it has one to many. If I ramove a column form my query, any column. I get no error at all.

Is there a limit to a Text File destination connection?I got the same problem. I cannot imagine it has anything to do with nr of columns.
Would be interested in solution...

dajm|||I do believe there is a limit to the number of columns but it can't be 28. Still since there's no error besides the crash I have not figured it out yet. Im going to try some test querys.|||I know this isn't what you asked, but I always use bcp for this. Are you doing complex transformations in the data pump? If it is just SQL, you can go to a command line (execute process task if you want DTS to do it) and run bcp "your query" queryout destination.txt -c -T -t "|" (for pipe-delimited). If it is an entire table (or view), you can run bcp "tablename" out destination.txt -c -T -t"|"

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